The reported prevalence of postpartum morbidity included: bleeding 71.92%, fever 12.18%, hypertension 10.64%, after pain 6.1% and others 0.71%. Pain after childbirth is caused by successive uterine contractions and relaxations that occur continuously. Effleurage massage is a non-pharmacological pain reduction method because touch and pain are stimulated at the same time, the sensation of touch travels to the brain and closes the gate in the brain, thus limiting the amount of pain felt in the brain. Flavonoids, tannins and saponins have the effect of inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzyme which can suppress the production of prostaglandins (PGE2), thus providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of effleurage massage using lemongrass aromatherapy and lemongrass tea drink (cymbopogon sp) on pain in postpartum mothers. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental with control group, paired T-test, unpaired T-test and Man Whitney test. There was a decrease in pain scores, after being given the intervention, the score decreased by 3 higher than the control group, namely 2. The decrease in anxiety scores in the intervention group was higher than the control group, namely 12.16 and 1.39. The results showed that there was a relationship between effleurage massage with lemongrass essential oil and lemongrass tea drink cymbopogon sp on post partum mother pain (after pain). There is great potential for further collaborative research by midwives to explore clinical applications with large-scale randomized sampling techniques..
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