Mimin Karmini, Arif, Kahar Kahar


One of the places where a considerable amount of waste is generated comes from the trade sector, especially the market. Ciroyom market produces a waste of 22 m³ / day when estimated to generate waste perpedagang wastage in the Ciroyom market reaches 24.1 liters / person / day, plus the handling of garbage that does not run smoothly causes garbage to accumulate and the market looks rundown. The purpose of this study is to find out the picture of handling waste. This research is deskrifrify with survey methods using observation and interview techniques. The environmental population is in the form of all garbage, and waste management facilities in Ciroyom Traditional Market while the human population is all traders numbering 914 traders and garbage officers as many as 15 people who operate in the Ciroyom market. The sample size in the study includes 3 trash cans, 5 trolleys, 1 polling station, 90 traders, and 15 trash officials in the Ciroyom market. This research uses observation tables to find out waste disposal, and uses questionnaires to measure the level of knowledge of the interviewees about waste disposal. Then use univariate techniques to analyze the results obtained from observations and interviews. Based on the results of observations of waste collection, for traders at the stage of registration of 83.33% ineligible, for garbage officers at the collection stage of 66.66% are not eligible, while for officers at the transportation stage qualified by 42,85%. 80% of the monitored waste bins do not meet the requirements, 60% of the temporary collection sites (TPS) do not meet the requirements, and 75% of the waste transportation facilities (trolleys) do not meet the requirements. This study uses an observation table to determine waste disposal and a questionnaire survey to measure the level of knowledge of respondents about waste disposal. Then use univariate techniques to analyze the results obtained from observations and interviews. Based on the knowledge of more than 60% of waste sorters, the facilities and waste processing in the Ciroyom traditional market are generally not adequate. It is recommended to procure trash bins and personal protective equipment at Ciroyom Traditional Market, Bandung.

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Mimin Karmini
mimin28karmini@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Kahar Kahar
Karmini, M. ., Budiman, A., & Kahar, K. (2022). TINJAUAN PENANGANAN SAMPAH DI PASAR TRADISIONAL CIROYOM . JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 14(1), 1 - 8. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v14i1.2010

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