Rats are one of the animals that carry diseases to humans. The disease is rodent-borne. Industry XY has rats outside the main office, where rats can damage goods around the area. Factors in the presence of rats are abundant food, poor environmental sanitation conditions, and lack of rat control. The study aimed to determine the number of rats trapped and analyze the difference between the Sherman live trap model and the Sherman snap trap on the number of rats trapped in the area outside the main office of Industry XY.The experimental research with post-test-only design. The population was all rats in the area outside the main building. The sample is the number of mice trapped in the tool. The required sample size is 18 samples. The sampling technique with incidental sampling the treatment given is two treatments Sherman's live trap and Sherman's snap trap. Data collection techniques count the number of rats trapped. Data collection tools are traps—data analysis using univariate and kruskal wallis. The number of rats trapped in the Sherman snap trap was 5. In Sherman's live trap, there were no rats trapped. There is a significant difference between trap models on the number of rats trapped. The most effective type of rat trap is the Sherman snap trap. It is recommended that industries use Sherman snap traps to control rats in the industry because the traps can kill rats directly, the traps are non-toxic because they use natural bait, and the traps are easy to clean.
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