Muhammad Ikhwan Fathurrahman , Agus Heri Santoso , Yohanes Kristianto, Fitria Dhenok Palupi


Diabetes mellitus causes hyperglycemia which adversely affects cells and organs. The administration might try to overcome the complications problem in diabetes of high antioxidant syrup. Broccoli, tempeh, snakehead fish and supporting ingredients, and turmeric are food ingredients that increase insulin secretion and activate insulin. This study aimed to make a high-antioxidant syrup formula using broccoli and tempeh as a based ingredient added with snakehead fish, turmeric, and honey as diabetic syrup. Syrup formulation was carried out through laboratory experiments using a completely randomized design. As a treatment in the formulation was the proportion of broccoli and tempeh extract with ratios of 90:10 (P1), 80:20 (P2), 70:30 (P3), and 60:40 (P4). Additional ingredients, namely snakehead fish extract, turmeric, honey, and maltodextrin, were added to obtain good syrup characteristics. The syrup qualities were assessed on their antioxidant activity using the DPPH method, chromium content, sensory qualities, and the best treatment selection. The resulting antioxidant syrup posed inherent characteristics as brownish, slightly unpleasant aroma, and sweet taste. The syrup contained chromium and antioxidant activity between 61.404 – 91.1.6 ug/100mL and 52-73%, respectively. The chromium level has complied with BPOM and EFSA regulations. The chromium content and antioxidant activity of the syrup decreased with the proportion of broccoli extract used. Using tempeh in the formulation improved the sensory quality of the syrup. The P4 was selected as the most accepted syrup formulation. Syrup for diabetics containing antioxidants and chromium, according to standards, can be formulated using broccoli and tempeh extract with a ratio of 60:40.

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Muhammad Ikhwan Fathurrahman
Agus Heri Santoso
Yohanes Kristianto
Fitria Dhenok Palupi (Primary Contact)
Fathurrahman , M. I. ., Heri Santoso , A. ., Kristianto, Y. ., & Dhenok Palupi, F. . (2023). PEMBUATAN SIRUP TINGGI ANTIOKSIDAN BERBAHAN DASAR TEMPE DAN BROKOLI . JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 15(2), 317-327.

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