Aprilda Fatma Dewi, Muhammad Raihan Fadil, Restiana Aprilita, Rosintan Enggar Wahyuningdiah, Siti Raudhah Salsabila, Hajrah Hidriya


Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by the Dengue virus and transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegyptii. Epidemiologically, dengue fever in Indonesia tends to be high. Several attempts have been made to overcome the spread of dengue fever but until now it has not been optimal in eradicating the disease. One method of preventing dengue fever is natural larvicides. In this regard. The importance of utilizing a part of a plant such as cherry leaves (Mutingia calabura). This research aimed to determine cherry leaf extract's effect and potential content as a natural larvicide. This type of research used a completely randomized design in the post test only control group design pattern. The stages of the research started from taking cherry leaves, making extract, breeding larvae, and phytochemical tests, followed by testing the effectiveness of cherry leaf extract, then GCMS analysis to determine the content in cherry leaf extract. The outcomes demonstrated that, at concentrations of, the death of larvae was quite considerable 1.5% and 2% while a concentration of 0.5% showed that it had an effect on larval death so  these concentrations were effective in inhibiting larval reproduction. Based on the study's findings, it is possible to draw the conclude that the substance has an impact. Content contained in cherry leaf extract. The results of the GC-MS analysis showed the highest percentage of area, namely at peak number 49 of 24.44%, namely d-Tocopherol, d-Tocopherol, O-acetyl, Pregn, acetyloxy, dihydroxy, lactone is a derivative of saponin.

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Aprilda Fatma Dewi
Muhammad Raihan Fadil
Restiana Aprilita
Rosintan Enggar Wahyuningdiah
Siti Raudhah Salsabila
Hajrah Hidriya (Primary Contact)
Dewi, A. F., Fadil, M. R., Aprilita, R., Wahyuningdiah, R. E., Salsabila, S. R., & Hidriya, H. (2023). ANALISIS GC-MS EKSTRAK DAUN KERSEN (Muntingia calabura) TERHADAP MORTALITAS LARVA AEDES AEGYPTII. JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 15(2), 507-516.

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