Ira Gustira Rahayu, Yogi Khoirul Abror


Menopause is known as the period when a woman's menstrual cycle ends naturally and permanently marked by the absence of menstruation for a full year, accompanied by a decrease in levels of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. Clinical symptoms during menopause, both physical, psychological and sexual, will be experienced by women entering the menopausal period. Estrogen is considered to protect against dyslipedimia and triglyceride levels tend to increase as women enter menopause. The aim of this study was to determine the description of triglyceride levels in menopausal female patients. This type of research was quasi experiment with designed to analyze trigliserida levels on menopause women. The population of this study was all menopausal women who had their triglyceride levels checked at the Diacare clinical laboratory. The sampling method used was accidental sampling. The number of samples studied was 30 people. The data collection technique used a menopause rating scale questionnaire to determine the clinical symptoms of menopause and also a questionnaire to determine the respondent's eating patterns and data on the respondent's triglyceride levels. The results of the Spearman's correlation test obtained a value of p = 0.000, so it can be seen that there was a correlation between triglyceride levels and age in menopausal women. Based on the menopause period, the research results showed that triglyceride levels increased in respondents who entered menopause, 78,6% of respondents who entered menopause experienced an increase in triglyceride levels. Researchers’ advice menopausal women checked triglyceride levels regularly.

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Ira Gustira Rahayu
Yogi Khoirul Abror
yogiabror@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Rahayu, I. G., & Abror, Y. K. (2024). KORELASI KADAR TRIGLISERIDA DENGAN USIA PADA WANITA MENOPAUSE . JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 16(2), 466-472. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v16i2.2398

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