Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy (DPN) is a long-term progressive disease in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus motivated by the condition of uncontrolled blood sugar levels for a long time and less physical activity can cause symptoms such as paresthesia, hyperesthesia, and dysesthesia. Aerobic physical activity programs aim to improve and improve less than perfect conditions, Previous research has shown significant results related to the benefits of aerobic exercise. This study aimed to determine the management of physiotherapy with aerobic gymnastics in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. This research was carried out on May 1, 2023 – June 10, 2023 the research was carried out in the physiotherapy gymnasium room of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The design study was a case report that observed the benefits of aerobic exercise therapy for DM Type 2 patients with DPN complications. The sampling method used Non-Probability Sampling with Purposive Sampling techniques carried out in one of the diabetes communities in Solo by taking 1 sample in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The conclusion showed results of giving aerobic exercise to diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients obtained results of measuring the functional muscle strength of the lower extremities using the Five Time Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) at T0: 16.19 to T6: 11.38 and F2: 14.26 showed a good time difference to the FTSST examination. The suggestion is that aerobic exercise can reduce neuropathy pain and increase lower extremity muscle strength using the Five Time Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) in patients.
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