Dewi Lusi Sagala, Siska Natalia, Fitriany Suangga


People infected with HIV/AIDS (people living with HIV/AIDS) continue to be a health problem in the world. At the end of 2021, there were 38.4 million people living with HIV. Data in 2023 contained 71 patients with HIV/AIDS. The phenomenon found is that as the clinical stage increases, people living with HIV/AIDS experience a decline in their health, so they need family assistance for ARV care and treatment throughout their lives. This is a burden experienced by the family in the long term, which will affect the family's quality of life. The research aimed to determine family experiences in caring for family members of people living with HIV/AIDS. The design of this research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Informants are families who care for family members who have HIV/AIDS. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with 10 participants in accordance with the inclusion criteria and using data saturation supported by observation results and document searches. The research provides four main themes: the physical crisis and family burden of people living with HIV/AIDS, prevention and treatment, transmission and dilemmas in the family, coping and support. Nurses can carry out a family-based approach, providing education and involving families in making health-related decisions for people living with HIV/AIDS. Forming support groups for families and empowering communities by providing health education and anti-stigma advocacy to help overcome the problem of stigma and discrimination in society

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Dewi Lusi Sagala (Primary Contact)
Siska Natalia
Fitriany Suangga

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