Long-term exposure to UV radiation can cause harmful effects on human skin, such as wrinkles and skin cancer. The violet leaves (Viola odorata L.) contain flavonoid compounds that potentially act as antioxidants as well as active substances in sunscreen. The study aimed to determine antioxidant activity and measure the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) value in violet leaf fractions (Viola odorata L.). The investigation was carried out at ITSK RS dr. Soepraoen's Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Laboratory from August to September of 2023. Fractionation is the next step in the extraction process after maceration. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) calculation is used to determine sunscreen activity, while the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method is used to determine antioxidant activity. UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 517 nm wavelengths is used to measure the IC50 as an antioxidant activity parameter, while UV-Vis spectrophotometry in the 290–320 nm wave length range is used to calculate the value of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). The findings demonstrated the low antioxidant activity of violet leaf fractions (Viola odorata L.), with IC50 values at 1690 μg/mL for n-hexane fractions, 1880 μg/mL for ethyl acetate fractions, and 2130 μg/ml for ethanol fractions. The SPF values of the n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions, 2.142 and 2.807, respectively, indicate the minimal protection category at a concentration of 250 ppm. In contrast, the SPF of the ethanol fraction at a concentration of 250 ppm is 12,589 which belongs to the category of maximum protection.
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