Attaining maternal identity is the final stage of maternal role attainment. Interventions on maternal identity achievement are important for a mother to carry out her maternal role. Premature babies are at risk of disrupting the achievement of maternal identity and the baby's condition can influence the mother's achievement of maternal identity. This systematic review aimed to identify interventions that can support the achievement of maternal identity in postpartum mothers with premature babies. The study uses a systematic review through literature searches on several databases, namely ProQuest, Scopus, Science Direct, Pubmed and Sage Journal, using the PRISMA method. The search result obtained 145 articles after further analysis, 10 articles using RCT and Quasi-Experimental were identified according to the defined inclusion criteria. Studies demonstrated that counseling, training, supportive education, follow-up including digital-based counseling and education, parental sensitivity interventions through education and live video demonstrations, virtual education through applications, support theory and practice with the PRECEDE-PROCEDE can support the achievement of maternal identity. The process of caring for a baby will be easier if the mother has achieved optimal maternal identity through achieving several supporting components, namely increased maternal adaptation (p=0.001), reduced anxiety (p<0.001), increased maternal self-esteem (p<0.001), reduced maternal stress levels (p<0.001), increased maternal bonding (p=0.000), increased self-efficacy (p=0.000), increased self confidence (p<0.001)., increasing maternal competence (p=0.000), increasing maternal satisfaction in carrying out the role(p<0.001),, increasing maternal resilience (p=0.000).
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