Soraya Soraya, Yunita Anggraeni, Hani Setiawati


The mosquito Aedes sp. is capable of carrying a number of diseases, including dengue fever (DBD). One setting where the DBD sickness could spread is an educational one. Naturally, the government's PPKM policy reduces the effectiveness of student activities on campus during a pandemic like this one, which causes the cleaning staff to work less diligently to maintain this building. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the percentage value of the Ovitrap index (OI) in relation to the presence and density of Aedes sp. mosquitoes in the campus environment of  Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung. Counting IO and watching Ovitrap are the research methods used. Every building on campus has Ovitrap installed, both outside and interior. According to the study's findings, out of the 28 Ovitrap that were installed at Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung, 12 of them were positive, making up 42.85% of the total Ovitrap index. With a score of 4 (IO ≥ 40%) on the Ovitrap index criterion for research locations, the area is considered to have a high potential for DBD disease insecurity. Further research is required in relation to the free number of the flick and identification of Aedes species found in the campus area. Subsequent studies must focus on labeling and socialization of ovitrap deployment.

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Soraya Soraya (Primary Contact)
Yunita Anggraeni
Hani Setiawati

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