Tri Widyastuti, Nani Mira Khoirunnisa, Megananda Hiranya Putri, Nining Ningrum


Anxiety is a normal human reaction that has been seen since childhood. One of the things that often makes children anxious is going to the dentist, especially when teeth have to undergo tooth extraction treatment. For dental and oral therapists and dentists, anxiety about dental treatment is a challenge in providing oral health services, especially in pediatric patients. This study aimed to identify factors associated with patient anxiety during tooth extraction at Klinik Utama YKGAI. The type of methodology in this study is descriptive research using an observational approach. The total sample was 19 people, sampling using the Accidental Sampling technique. Researchers collected data directly, with the help of enumerators, and then displayed it in a frequency distribution table. Research results in children the majority showed anxiety on the facial imange scale on a flat face at the time before tooth extraction. Flat face is characterized by a rather unhappy feeling shown by the corners of the mouth which shows an indicator of moderate dissatisfaction. Factors that cause anxiety are mostly caused by fear/phobia of dental treatment tools as many as 17 respondents (89.5%). The factors that cause the second most anxiety are family and friend factors, namely 10 respondents (52.6%). The factor that causes the least anxiety is the traumatic experience factor, namely as many as 2 respondents (10.5%). To reduce dental anxiety in children, we can use the tell-show-do technique and the use of aroma therapy.

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Tri Widyastuti
trie.1206@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Nani Mira Khoirunnisa
Megananda Hiranya Putri
Nining Ningrum
Widyastuti, T., Khoirunnisa, N. M., Putri, M. H. ., & Ningrum, N. (2023). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KECEMASAN PASIEN PADA TINDAKAN PENCABUTAN GIGI . JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 15(2), 467-475. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v15i2.2217

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