The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hemodialysis maintains growth from year to year. There were 697.5 million CKD patients in the world in 2017 and 1.5 million of them underwent hemodialysis. Patients with CKD commonly used hemodialysis as a therapy. This therapy is a long-term therapy wherein the effects are psychological changes in the form of anxiety. The anxiety experienced by patients is a response due to feelings of worry from unforeseen conditions. This study aimed to examine the association between hemodialysis length and anxiety levels in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis at Al-Ihsan Hospital, West Java. This study uses a correlative descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling was performed using a purposive sampling technique with a sample of 61 total respondents. The instruments used were demographic questionnaires and the ZSAS (Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale). The Spearman Rho test is used as data analysis statistics. The results showed a correlation between the length of hemodialysis and the level of anxiety in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis at Al-Ihsan Hospital, West Java. with a p-value 0.001 (α=0.05) with a strong relationship and a negative direction (-0.714). Most of the anxiety levels experienced are mild and moderate, with the highest anxiety level in patients with duration <12 months. Based on the results, it is expected that they will incorporate in improving nursing services through providing holistic nursing care, especially for patients undergoing hemodialysis for < 12 months.
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