Nur Intan Hayati Husnul Khotimah, Cecep Feriansyah, Rizki Muliani



Flood is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia, especially in Bandung Regency. The psychological problem caused by floods is anxiety. Anxiety can cause a decrease in health status, so it requires proper handling.Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is one technique that can be used to deal with this. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of giving Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) on the level of anxiety among victims of the post-flood disaster. The research method used Quasi-experimental with the Time Series approach involving 38 post-flood victims in Bandung Regency which was obtained by purposive sampling technique. The research subjects were given the treatment of Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) for 20 minutes per day for 3 days. The determination of anxiety reduction is determined from the difference in the average value of anxiety levels measured using the Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scale instrument, and analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that almost all (92.1%) of the post-disaster victims experienced mild anxiety before the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) was carried out, while after the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) most (55.3%) post-disaster victims did not feel anxiety. The results of the average difference test obtained the value of ρ-value (0.000) <α (0.05), this indicates that there is a decrease in the level of anxiety in the victims after the flood disaster, so it is concluded that the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) 20 minutes a day in 3 days can reduce the level of anxiety in the victims after the flood disaster in Bandung Regency. Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) a technique that can be used to release neurotransmitters that cause pleasure and dopamine which gives a sense of calm so that it can be an alternative action in dealing with anxiety problems

Keywords: Flood, Anxiety, Tapas Acuppresure Technique (TAT)

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Nur Intan Hayati Husnul Khotimah
nur.intan@bku.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Cecep Feriansyah
Rizki Muliani
Hayati Husnul Khotimah, N. I., Feriansyah, C., & Muliani, R. (2020). TAPAS ACUPPRESURE TECHNIQUE (TAT) 20 MENIT PERHARI DAPAT MENURUNKAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN KORBAN PASCA BENCANA BANJIR. JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 12(2), 269-276. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v12i2.1798

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