Persons with disabilities have challenges to participate in various sectors of life. Visual impaired adolescents can experience wider and complex problems and different life experiences related to reproductive health and sexuality. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore the experiences of visual impaired adolescents related to their sexual and reproductive health. A qualitative study was conducted from October 2020 to February 2021 at one of the Special Schools in Bandung. This study involved 11 blind/visual impaired adolescent participants until data saturation was achieved. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews and data analysis was carried out by thematic analysis. The results of this study obtained two main themes, namely 1) Responses, attitudes and beliefs related to reproductive health with sub-themes: emotional turmoil facing puberty, believing in myths related to menstruation, and people who are invited to 'confide' about sexual and reproductive health; 2) Sexual behavior with sub-themes: liking and close relationships with the opposite gender, volatile sexual arousal in teenage boys, and masturbation behavior. This research shows that generally the awareness, knowledge, and behavior of visual impaired adolescents related to their sexual and reproductive health was still lacking which can affect their behavior and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the experiences of blind adolescent in this period. Education and guidance from parents, educators, and counselors is needed to provide the right information and direction so that adolescents can have better behaviors related to their sexual and reproductive health.
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