Oil was one of the hydrocarbon pollutants. Waste oil generally consists of water, crude oil, and solid particulate matter. Hazardous substances and other toxic materials contained in waste oil make this waste must be treated to reduce its toxicity. Pb or lead was a toxic substance produced from industrial activities using oil, painting, agrochemicals, etc. The study aimed to determine the ability of the sawdust adsorbent to remove the heavy metal lead (Pb) in waste oil. This research method was a laboratory-scale quasi-experiment for field applications. The population was all oil waste taken by the grab sample method, while the sample was part of the waste. Treated and controlled oil. The non-parametric test results showed that there was a difference in the average Pb content in the waste oil after being treated with various doses of sawdust adsorbent (p value=0.008). The amount of removal of Pb content in waste oil was in the range of 66.55-91.24%. It can be concluded that sawdust adsorbent can remove Pb in waste oil.
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