Covid 19 is a severe acute respiratory disease. The Covid-19 disease has spread throughout the world including Indonesia and has become a pandemic. Efforts should be made to prevent transmission for all groups, including elementary school. Adhering to the Covid 19 health protocol is one of the efforts to prevent covid 19. The Covid 19 health protocol includes washing hands with running water and soap, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and increasing body resistance. Predisposition is one of the factors that shape behavior, including obedient behavior to the covid 19 health protocol. This study aims to determine the relationship between predisposing factors with compliance of covid 19 health protocol. The study was conducted cross-sectional. The research sample is 441 elementary school students in the Bandung City. Data collection by interview. The data in statistical analysis were univariable, bivariable and multivariable. The results of the study found that the Bandung City Elementary School students who obeyed the health protocols by 54.0%. Predisposing factors that were significantly related to adherence to the COVID-19 health protocol were knowledge (p = 0.0001), attitude (p = 0.003) and belief (p = 0.0001). The conclusion is that not all elementary students in the Bandung City complied with the covid 19 health protocol, so there is a risk of contracting covid 19 if face-to-face learning is carried out..
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