Physiological changes in pregnancy at any time can turn out to be pathological, because many factors influence both the mother / baby's own including the factor of husband's support for pregnant women. Therefore, it is very necessary for activities to provide and or enhance the knowledge, attitudes and practices of husbands in maintaining and improving the health of wives and children conceived through health education.
Educational methods that use animation are one form of audio visual media known as an attractive health education method. Along with the development of animated films in several countries, animated films are not only intended for children but also for adults. One of the advantages of animation is that the information obtained is stored in long-term memory.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the danger sign animation film on the knowledge and attitudes of husbands of pregnant women in detecting pregnancy complications.
The research design used was quasi experimental design with a pre-test post-test with control design. The research subjects in this study were all husbands of 1.2 and 3 trimester pregnant women in the Sindang Barang Community Health Center area in Bogor City. The number of samples needed was 29 people for the intervention group and 29 people for the control group with the technique of taking simple random sampling
The results showed that there were significant differences (p <0.01) between the knowledge and attitudes of the husbands of pregnant women before and after watching an animated film for pregnancy danger signs (p = 0.00). Animation films of pregnancy danger signs have a significant effect of p = 0.00 on the attitudes and knowledge of pregnant mothers' husbands in detecting pregnancy complications (p <0.01).
Suggestions need to be added with more material and better visualization of the animated films for pregnancy signs.
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