Adolescents living in orphanages are one of the groups at risk of experiencing health problems. One of the health problems that commonly occurs is emotional and behavioral problems which various factors can influence. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with emotional and behavioral problems among orphanage adolescents. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. A total of 105 teenagers were sampled in this study who were taken using the purposive sampling technique. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire measured adolescent emotional and behavioral problems. Univariate analysis used frequency distribution and bivariate analysis used the Chi-square test. 46.7% of teenagers experienced emotional and behavioral problems, with the proportion of peer problems 47.6%, emotional problems 37.1%, behavior problems 30.5%, hyperactivity 21%, and prosocial problems 13.3% %. Social support was significantly associated with overall adolescent emotional and behavioral difficulties (p=0.046). By subscale, gender was a factor significantly associated with emotional (p=0.007), behavior (p=0.016), and hyperactivity problems (p=0.029). Meanwhile, social support was related to peer problems (p=0.002) and prosocial problems (p=0.028). The risk factors in this research can be used as input to reduce emotional and behavioral problems for adolescents in orphanages.
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