Background: The results of the UNICEF Nutrition Study, stated that most children in Indonesia are at risk of stunting due to environmental conditions with poor sanitation. The causes of stunting can be direct and indirect, therefore environmental factors need to be studied to what extent it causes stunting. The purpose of this article review is to analyze the influence of environmental health factors on the incidence of stunting in children under five in Indonesia.
Methods: The design of this study was a literature review, article searches were carried out through the UNDIP E-Journal, Google Scholars, ProQuest, PubMed, PloS Journal, UI Public Health Journal, Indonesian Environmental Health Journal, which were published between 2015-2021. The inclusion criteria in the article were explaining the factors of water, sanitation, drinking water, exposure to cigarette smoke, exposure to pesticides and heavy metals with stunting.
Results: The results of a study of 10 articles show that drinking water and poor sanitation have a three times higher potential for stunting. The history of pesticide exposure in children under five years has the potential to be 1.7 times as a risk factor for stunting. Heavy metal exposure factors showed Pb levels in the blood were significantly related to height in children under five years. Exposure to cigarette smoke is at risk of causing stunting, because nicotine exposure can affect the growth process of children under five years.
Conclusion: Environmental health factors contribute to the growth and development of children under five years; therefore, they can be factors that affect stunting in children under five years. Health promotion efforts related to the importance of sensitive nutrition interventions in environmental factors need to be increased to prevent stunting.
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