Hospitals are obliged to manage hazardous and toxic substances waste properly to avoid negative effects including work injuries/accidents, nosocomial infections and environmental pollution, The results of researchers' observations at the Bina Healthy General Hospital show that there is a problem with the treatment of sorting medical waste, that is the actions of certain health workers who are still mixing medical and non- medical waste. This research aimed to know the handling of solid medical waste. This type of research is descriptive with a survey method using observation sheets to obtain handling information, handling infrastructure, and scales for measuring solid medical waste generation. The samples were 4 rooms: the Emergency Room, Jasmine, Maternity and Orchid Rooms. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data collected generated solid medical waste of 253.79 kg with an average of 31.72 kg and an average of 0.56 kg/bed/day. The handling of solid medical waste at the reduction stage is not qualify, segregation does not meet the requirements, the container does not qualify, temporary storage container does not qualify, in-situ transportation container does not qualify and ex-situ transportation fulfills the requirements. Suggestions for hospitals to carry out reduction programs, monitoring, routine training, adding brown plastic for pharmaceutical waste, when cleaning service containers must bind using single bonds, when transporting cleaning services does not go through the nutrition room route, there needs to be a special route for transporting medical waste.
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