Wahyu Dwi Astutik, Mimin Karmini, Kahar Kahar



The outbreak of the Covid-19 infectious disease, which spread very quickly throughout the world, including Indonesia, in 2020. Covid-19 waste is medical waste that is infectious in nature, so it must be handled seriously. The research objective is to find out the description of the handling of Covid-19 solid medical waste at the Health Center. This type of research is descriptive with a population that is all health workers and medical waste officers at the Health Center. The sample size is one cleaning worker, 79 health workers. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data collection by weighing Covid-19 waste, interviews and observations. The results of the research on the generation of Covid-19 waste are 0.3 kg/day. The 50% stage for sorting Covid-19 waste by health workers and cleaners does not meet the requirements. The temporary storage stage (TPS) 38.46% and the transportation stage 83.33% did not meet the requirements. The knowledge of cleaning staff and health workers at the Health Center is in a good category. Requirements for sorting stage facilities 33.33% did not meet the requirements, TPS facilities 60% and transportation stage facilities 33.33% did not meet the requirements. It is suggested that the Sanitarian Health Center should conduct training for all Puskesmas health workers and cleaners, provide pamphlets in each room on how to handle Covid-19 medical waste. Cleaning staff must carry out the transportation using closed-wheeled trolleys and use special lanes for transportation and disinfect Covid waste before it is disposed of at the final processing site.

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Wahyu Dwi Astutik
Mimin Karmini
mimin28karmini@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Kahar Kahar
Astutik, W. D., Karmini, M. ., & Kahar, K. (2022). TINJAUAN PENANGANAN LIMBAH MEDIS PADAT COVID-19 DI PUSAT KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT . JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 14(2), 358-366. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v14i2.2014

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