Yuliansyah Sundara Mulia, Dewi Nurhayati, Sulaeman Sulaeman, Amadda Fadhila Azhiima


Staining preparations is one way to diagnose diseases caused by fungi, one of which is dermatophytosis. Several studies have shown that natural dyes can also be used as preparations.Beet and mangosteen skin have potential as dyes for tissue preparations because they contain anthocyanins.. This study aims to determine whether the extracts of  beet, and mangosteen skin can be used as a staining agent for Trichophyton rubrum. Color pigments from the two types of natural ingredients are used as a substitute for fungus dyes. The fungus used was Trichophyton rubrum.. This research was conducted experimentally with a completely randomized design (CRD) with twelve treatments and three replications. Each natural ingredient is made from concentrations of 50%, 75%, and 100%. Parameters of observation of experimental group results were based on visual field clarity, cleanliness of preparations, contrast,fungus shape and compared with the control group. Data were analyzed by normality test because the data was not normal followed by Kolmogorov Smirnov test, and Chi square test to determine differences between treatments In conclusion, there is no difference between the variations in the coloring concentration of beets, the difference occurs in the concentration of mangosteen peel as a mushroom dye The use of natural colors for preparations is recommended no later than two days after extraction.




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Yuliansyah Sundara Mulia
mysundara11@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Dewi Nurhayati
Sulaeman Sulaeman
Amadda Fadhila Azhiima
Mulia, Y. S., Nurhayati, D., Sulaeman, S., & Azhiima, A. F. (2022). EFEKTIVITAS BUAH BIT DAN KULIT MANGGIS SEBAGAI PEWARNA ALAMI JAMUR Trichophyton rubrum. JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, 14(2), 409-414. https://doi.org/10.34011/juriskesbdg.v14i2.2019

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