Microscopic examination of Plasmodium is the gold standard in the diagnosis of infection. The blood sample to be examined is made of thick and thin blood preparations. Thick blood preparations use more blood samples so that in mild cases of malaria, parasites are easy to find. The purpose of the study was to determine the comparison between blood sample volumes of 8μl, 10μl, and 12μl in diameter 1cm and diameter 1.5cm against the number of parasites P. falciparum. This research uses quasi-experimental methods. The examination material is 3mL EDTA blood obtained from patients confirmed positive for P. falciparum, thick blood preparations with blood volumes of 8μl, 10μl, and 12μl in diameters of 1cm and 1.5cm are multiplied as many as 30 preparations. Next, the preparation is stained with Giemsa 3% and examined microscopically using quantitative calculation methods. The data were analyzed using the Anova statistical test with a 95% confidence degree, a significant value was obtained at a diameter of 1cm, a value of 0.106>0.005, and then the Ha hypothesis was accepted. In a blood preparation with a diameter of 1.5cm the value of 0.000<0.005, then Ho's hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion was that there was no difference in the results of the number of P. falciparum in blood sample volumes of 8μl, 10μl and 12μl in diameters of 1cm and there were differences in the number of P. falciparum in volumes of 8μl, 10μl and 12μl in diameters of 1.5cm.
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