Dengue fever is a serious health problem in Indonesia, caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Mosquito resistance to chemical insecticides is increasing due to inappropriate use, so alternative vector control is needed, including natural larvicides from plants. Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) is one of the plants that has potential as a larvicide, thanks to its essential oil and secondary metabolites. This study aims to test the effect of kenikir leaf infusion on the mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae with various concentrations and determine the effective concentration as LC50, which kills 50% of larvae. The population in this study was all species of kenikir from Manoko plantation, Lembang, with the sample being the leaves of Cosmos caudatus species. A total of 315 Aedes aegypti larvae were obtained from Loka Litbang and used as research objects. A true experimental method was used with a Static Group Comparison design, involving experimental and control groups. The object of the study was Aedes aegypti instar III larvae tested with kenikir infusion at concentrations of 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, and 65%. The results showed that the minimum effective concentration was 25%, while the probit test indicated a concentration of 28% as the LC50 in 24 hours. Larval mortality was caused by damage to the outer membrane of the tissue, indicating an effect of the kenikir extract, rather than a lack of food.
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